Friday, July 29, 2005

July 29, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING-BOARD OF TRUSTEES PBCAA, July 29,2005 held at the Conference Room, PBC Baguio City

Lunch was served courtesy of Eusebio & Liza Tanicala. Brother Santiago Sameon II led prayer for the food.

Present PBCAA Trustees Absent PBCAA Trustees

1. Eusebio Tanicala 1. Rolando Dumawa

2. Bonifacio Patricio Jr. 2. Edwin Valencia

3. Eliseo Tangunan 3. Pablo Lachica

4. Arnold Zambrano

5. Maronio Bernardo Present BOA

6. Santiago Sameon II 1. Cristino Sacayanan

7. Rachel Cabuenas

8.Rebecca Braga


1.Quorum declared & meeting called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala at 1:35PM;
brother Jun Patricio led a prayer.

2. Minutes of June 30 meeting was read and approved.

3. Review of reports/records that were submitted during the June 30 meeting particularly
#3 of the Secretary’s report which states that “it is the first time that a lectureship is
held.” The statement would be acceptable if it meant it is the first time for the “New
Life Behavior Ministries International” to sponsor a lectureship during a PBCAlumni
Association homecoming.

4. Follow-up on assignments given in the previous board meeting:

4.1. PBCAA continuing education program c/o brother Sameon-currently making
initial ideas.

4.2. Listing and recruiting of alumni to be active and paying members.

a) VPLuzon – brother Lachica, absent

b)VPVisayas – brother Sameon, he contacted Reuben Emperado & Richard
Emperado – no response yet

c) VPMindanao – brother Tangunan – will get PBCAA directory; brother Jun
Patricio will help contact alumni.

4.3. Brother Mardonio Bernardo has the old records of sister Gavina Yen, the past
Treasurer. He wants to go over the file. Financial projection: he recommends
building up the Lifetime Membership Fund and place it in a separate bank account
which will be used to help in the burial expenses for alumni. To date twelve (12)
alumni have paid this fee.

4.4. Functions of Board of Advisers listed:

a) Elect from among themselves a chairman who shall serve as an ex officio
member in the PBCAA Board of Trustees;

b) As a collegial body, the Board of Advisers may forward recommendations,
proposals or ideas to the Board of Trustees through the BOA chairman;

c) Individual member of the BOA may call any individual member of the BT
regarding any issue that pertains to the PBCAA; and

d) As the need may arise members of the BOA may be called upon to promote
or support a program of the PBCAA, Inc.

4.5. The Secretary and President will write those nominated and elected to the Board
of Advisers to check on their availability and interest to serve in the said board.

5. New Business:

5.1. Budget for the PBCAA Office c/o Secretary Rebecca Braga. The amount of four
thousand (Php4,000) was appropriated for twelve(12) chairs and office supplies,
and the amount of five hundred (Php500) for petty cash.

5.2. As provided for in the By-Laws an annual general meeting be held in the last
Friday of March every year so the tentative dates were agreed upon: March 29,
2006 for arrival with evening activities; March 30 for program and general
assembly business meeting; March 31 home bound. Ad Hoc Committee for the
preparation and implementation of the annual general assembly chaired by
brother Eusebio Tanicala. The Program Committee will also be chaired by bother
Eusebio Tanicala. It was agreed upon that promoting attendance to this annual
general meeting among alumni will commence immediately.

6. Other Matters:

6.1. Sister Rachel Cabuenas suggested than an activity for the Association be held this
year in order to collect more membership fees from the alumni. End of December
is approved. More ideas for the December affair be submitted in the next meeting
including educational/livelihood seminar and fun games for the family. Tentative
dates: December 29-30,2005.

6.2. PBCAA contribution to Philippine Bible College scholarship fund: two thousand
(Php2,000) from brother Eliseo Tangunan for June and July 2005.

6.3. Secretary Rebecca Braga reminded the body on the need to contact Mr. Jojo
Gorospe of BIR to get a tax exempt certificate for PBCAA. The President will
Draft the letter and work on the project.

6.4. Next monthly meeting is set for August 26,2005 at the Sameon’s residence at
Pines Cypress Heights, Lower Kitma Road, Baguio City.

7. Meeting was adjourned at 3:03PM. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala