Friday, May 27, 2005



Philippine Bible College Alumni Association, Inc.
Grand Assembly held at the Auditorium, Philippine Bible College, Baguio City

Final Tally Rank Votes

1. Mardonio Bernardo 41

2. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. 40

3,4,5, Eusebio Tanicala 35

3,4,5. Pablo Lachica 35

3,4,5. Eliseo Tangunan 35

6. Arnold Zambrano 32

7. Rachel Cabuenas 31

8,9. Rebecca Braga 30

8,9. John Quiniones, Sr. 30

10. Edwin Valencia 27

11. Rolando Dumawa 27

12. Santiago Sameon II 27

13. Florlito Batoon 26

14. Rolando Nonog 24

15. Alejandro Ciencia, Sr. 20

16. Alex Coloma 17

May 27, 2005 BOT Special Meeting


May 27, PBC Conference Room, 6:30pm

Present :

  1. Eusebio Tanicala
  2. Arnold Zambrano
  3. Pablo Lachica
  4. Mardonio Bernardo
  5. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.
  6. Rachel Cabuenas
  7. John Quiniones, Sr.
  8. Rebecca Braga
  9. Eliseo Tangunan


1. Rolando Dumawa
2. Edwin Valencia


Election of officers among the Board of Trustees members. Brother Pablo Lachica presided. The Board approved a secret voting for election of President. Nominated and voted for President were:

  1. Brother Eusebio Tanicala ---------------4 votes
  2. Brother Pablo Lachica -------------------2 votes
  3. Brother John Quiniones, Sr. -------------2votes
  4. Brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. ----------1 vote

Brother Eusebio Tanicala won as PRESIDENT for the Board. He presides over the meeting. The Board approved the raising of hands for the rest of the Board offices. The following were elected to the different offices in a proper election procedure.

Executive Vice President ------------------Brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.

Vice President for Luzon ------------------Brother Pablo Lachica

Vice President for Visayas ----------------Brother Arnold Zambrano

Vice President for Mindanao -------------Brother Eliseo Tangunan

Secretary ----------------------------------- Sister Rebecca Braga

Treasurer ------------------------------------Brother Mardonio Bernardo

Auditor --------------------------------------Sister Rachel Cabuenas

Business Managers-----------------Brother John Quiniones, Sr. and Brother Edwin Valencia

Public Relations Officer ------------------Brother Rolando Dumawa

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca E. Braga

Noted by Eusebio A. Tanicala

May 27, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

PBCAA BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING, May 27, 2005, PBC Conference Room, 9:40pm


1. Eusebio Tanicala

2. Pablo Lachica

3. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.

4. Santiago Sameon II

5. Edwin Valencia

6. Eliseo Tangunan

7. Arnold Zambrano

8. Maronio Bernardo

9. Rachel Dumawa

10. Rebecca Braga

11. Rolando Dumawa-absent


  1. Brother Pablo Lachica suggested that Brother Rudy Mapile be retained as legal counsel. The Board will make a resolution creating the position. Unanimously approved by the Board.
  2. Selection of the Board of Advisers. The following brethren were all nominated and approved by the Board.

1. Edilberto Tenefrancia 6. Teofilo Alcayde

2. Felix Garlitos 7. John Quiniones, Sr.

3. Conrado Mapalo 8. Alejandro Ciencia, Sr.

4. Cristino Sacayanan 9. Daton Palitayan

5. Felix Bravo

  1. New Business

3.1. Brother Pablo Lachica informed the Board that PBC as a trade name was registered by Brother Felix Garlitos as the sole owner. There was deliberation about the matter. Brethren Edwin Valencia and Santiago Sameon II suggested that we will ask Brother Felix Garlitos about his intentions and reasons behind. It was approved to invite him in the first official business meeting of the Board with the Advisers.

3.2. Next Board meeting – June 30, 2005, PBC Conference Room.

a) Proposed agenda will be enumerated and e-mailed or mailed to the Officers. Host for food – Brother Pablo Lachica. Cook-Sister Rachel Cabuenas

b) Financial records of the past Treasurer, Sister Gavina Yen. Brother Mardonio Bernardo, being the current Treasurer with the Board President will write a letter to Sister Gavina Yen to get all records.

c) Signatories PBCAA Bank Account – Treasurer, President and/or Executive Vice President to sign all money transaction of the organization. Make a resolution to Equitable PCI Bank Session Road for the new signatories.

d) Write a follow-up letter to Baguio Church of Christ requesting for a PBCAA office. Brother Pablo Lachica promised to donate a computer for the Board of Trustees office.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala