Thursday, June 30, 2005

June 30, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING –BOARD OF TRUSTEES PBCAA, June 30, 2005 at Conference Room, PBC Baguio

Lunch was served, courtesy of Pablo & Leony Lachica. Brother Conrado Mapalo led the prayer for the food.


1. Eusebio Tanicala 7. Santiago Sameon II Board of Advisers

2. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. 8. Rolando Dumawa 1. Cristino Sacayanan

3. Eliseo Tangunan 9. Edwin Valencia 2. Conrado Mapalo

4. Pablo Lachica 10. Rachel Cabuenas 3. Felix Garlitos

5. Arnold Zambrano 11. Rebecca Braga

6. Mardonio Bernardo


  1. Meeting called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala at 1:10pm. Brother Arnold Zambrano led a prayer.
  2. Minutes of May 27, 2005 (6:30pm) meeting read. Approved with the clarification about the resignation of brother John Quiniones, Sr. giving way to brother Santiago Sameon II as VP for the Visayas and brother Arnold Zambrano takes the position of Business Manager. This arrangement was with the consent of the three parties concerned.
  3. Brother Felix Garlitos suggested that motions, deliberations, discussions and voting be among the Board of Trustees only. This was unanimously approved by the Board.
  4. Minutes of May 27, 2005 (9:30pm) meeting approved except the issue on “PBC as a trade name was registered by brother Felix Garlitos as the sole owner.” Brother Felix Garlitos explained that “he registered PBC under the Metro Manila Church of Christ of 31 Samar Avenue, Quezon City with the Bureau of Domestic Trade. The Metro Manila Church of Christ allowed the registration to lapse and did not renew registration.”
  5. It was suggested that the PBCAA study the possibility of owning/registering the name Philippine Bible College (PBC). Conference with the Metro Manila Church of Christ on this matter should be pursued.
  6. PBCAA’s office at 18 Rimando Road has been granted by the Baguio Church of Christ Elders under certain conditions. It was requested of brother Cristino Sacayanan that the conditions be made known.
  7. New Business

7.1. Brother Felix Garlitos turned over the Certificate of Registration of the Amended by-laws, SEC report and minutes of the May 27-28, 2005 general assembly meeting to sister Rebecca Braga and brother Eusebio Tanicala

7.2. Filled up the six (6) remaining slots for the 15-member Board of Advisers. Those nominated and who received votes are the following:.

Reuben Emperado -------------9 votes

Salvador Cariaga -------------- 8 votes

Silverio Biteng ----------------- 6 votes

Marlow Garlitos ----------------5 votes (10 votes, 2nd rd)

Arthur Madlaing --------------- 5 votes (9 votes, 2nd rd)

Willie Franco--------------------5 votes (8 votes 2nd rd)

Erasto Fuentes, Jr. -------------5 votes (6 votes 2nd rd)

7.3 .Define functions of the Board of Advisers. Write a letter and check up
acceptance. If one refuses the next in rank will be asked to serve.

7.4. Letter request of an alumni group for a dialogue with the Baguio Church of
Christ leaders. Brother Arnold Zambrano explained the background of the
letter request. After a lengthy discussion on the matter a motion was made
by brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. which was duly seconded that the PBCAA
officers will initiate a dialogue with the Baguio CoC. This was approved.

7.5. Another motion was made by brother Santiago Sameon II which was
seconded by brother Pablo Lachica that the signatories and other alumni
members be invited to the dialogue. Approved.

7.6. Motion made by brother Pablo Lachica that brother Eusebio Tanicala draft
a letter to be given to the BCoC leaders arranging for this dialogue. Approved.

7.7. Regular monthly meeting be changed from Saturday to the last Friday of
the month. Approved.

7.8. It was unanimously approved that all alumni be contacted by the vice

Presidents: VP-Luzon -------- Pablo Lachica

VP-Visayas-------Santiago Sameon II

VP-Mindanao -------Eliseo Tangunan

(Note: Borrow list in the possession of sister Naty Corpuz)

7.9. Brother Eliseo Tangunan plans to organize a satellite group in Mindanao
to help contact alumni in that region. He asked the PBCAA to help him in his
expenses. It was approved and the amount of five thousand pesos (Ph5,000)
is given in advanced and must be liquidated after one week of arrival from
this mission.

7.10. On the matter of providing continuing education for PBCAA members -
more time to think but brother Santiago Sameon II as chair and brother
Edwin Valencia as member start making preliminary plans.

7.11. On the possibility of having a PBCAA Newsletter –PRO bro Rolando
Dumawa is in-charge.

7.12. On the possibility of having a PBCAA website – chair, Eliseo Tangunan.
More time needed.

7.13. On the matter of privileged use of BCoC Visitors’ Room by out of town
BT and BOA members who attend PBCAA officers meetings in Baguio.
BCoC grants Php50 per person as contribution to electricity and laundry.
Members of immediate family included in the said privilege. Approved.

7.14. Brother Mardonio Bernardo reports on the financial status of PBCAA:
money is at the EPCI Bank, Session Road, Baguio City; Savings Account
#1475-21936-4 in the amount of Php32,138.78 less Php5,000 expenses less
payable of Php3,000. TIN# is 006=218-471 and CTC is #00141610

7.15. PBCAA assistance for the BCoC-PBC program: Brother Pablo Lachica will
course help thro PBCAA in the amount of Php1,000 each month starting
July 2005.

7.16. Next regular meeting is July 29, 2005 at 12HN, PBC Conference Room.
Host is brother Eusebio Tanicala in Baguio City.

7.17. Meeting was adjourned 5:40pm with a closing prayer led by brother
Eliseo Tangunan. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala