Thursday, August 25, 2005

August 25, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF BUSINESS MEETING-PBCAA BOARD OF TRUSTEES, August 25, 2005 at the Sameons’ Residence, 48-A Pine Crest Heights, Kitma, Baguio City

Present PBCAA Trustees Absent Trustee

1. Eusebio Tanicala 6. Mardonio Bernardo 1. Rolando Dumawa

2. Bonifacio Patricio Jr. 7. Rachel Cabuenas Present BO

3. Pablo Lachica 8. Arnold Zambrano 1. Cristino Sacayanan

4. Santiago Sameon II 9. Edwin Valencia 2. Teofilo Alcayde

5. Eliseo Tangunan 10. Rebecca Braga


1. A quorum was declared and the meeting was called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala at 10:30AM. Brother Patricio led the prayer. Brother Sameon gave an introduction and he welcomed everyone to their home.

2. Minutes of the July 29, 2005 meeting was reviewed and approved with corrections of the date from 2205 to 2005, from Cypress to Crest on the address of the Sameons.

3. Sister Braga reported that five (5) among those nominated/elected members of the Board of Advisers have so far signified willingness to serve. More time should be given
for the response of others nominated to the Board of Advisers.

4. Bringing out a PBCAA Newsletter under the care of brother Rolando Dumawa tabled because there is no report of its progress.

5. PBCAA Website under the care of brother Eli Tangunan. The project is under study.

6. Promotion of active PBCAA membership is underway. The Vice President for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao requested that a form be made and be distributed to al alumni to establish contact with them.

7.Brother Mar Bernardo makes a report about the turn over of file from sister Yen. Brother Bernardo says that he has to go over the files. Brother Bernardo further makes his projection about the financial status of the Association by encouraging members to pay their Lifetime Membership fee. Members are given up to December 31, 2005 to pay this Lifetime Membership fee. Those who have paid the annual fee this year may add this annual payment as part of the Lifetime Membership fee if the Lifetime membership fee is paid not later than December 31, 2005. All members of the PBCAA Trustees and PBCAA Board of Advisers are strongly requested to pay their Lifetime Membership fee not later tan December 2005.

8. Sister Braga reported that a dozen (12) monoblock chairs and office supplies have been purchased. These items are inside the PBCAA Office at 18 Rimando Road. It was recommended that tags with respective numbers be attached to the items so that these could be recorder and audited. That the property custodian is the Treasurer(currently brother Bernardo), and the property Auditor is the Auditor (currently sister Cabuenas).

9. It was reported by sister Braga that the tax exemption application form has been filed with the BIR last August 4, 2005 and a follow-up will be done for its approval.

10. A motion which was duly seconded and was approved that any member of the Board of Trustees who is absent from any regular or agreed meeting of the Board should be penalized and the penalty be equivalent to the highest expense incurred by member who comes from the farthest point. The computation includes jeepney and bus and taxi fares from the house of the member who comes from farthest point to the place of meeting of the Board including meal expenses along the way. As of August, the minimum amount is one thousand (Php1,000). The exemption from this approved motion is sickness that is duly certified by a medical doctor. Also basis for exemption is due to fortuitius events like floods and storms or barriers that effectively prevent attendance in the meeting. This provision takes effect in the September 2005 meeting.

11. It was agreed upon that the December 29-30, 2005 Alumni Homecoming will have more socialization and least lectures; no discussions of doctrinal differences but emphasize inspirational messages.

12. It was agreed upon that a copy of the directory published by brother Salvador Cariaga be secured to update the record of addresses of the alumni. The cost of the directory is Php150.


1. Improvement of PBC atmosphere. That brother Arnold Zambrano convenes a group and invite brethren Sameon and Tanicala so that a formalized collation of ideas can be presented to the Baguio Church of Christ Elders and thereby arrive at a Philippine Bible College we want.

(Note: A recess was declared when lunch was served by the Sameon Family. Brother Eli Tangunan led the prayer for the food. Meeting was resumed at 1:00PM).

2. Brainstorming about the PBC we want

a) It was suggested that the campus be improved for the full operation of PBC, and a moratorium on renting of room be made except for married students who opt to stay on campus.

b) Suggested clearance of units be done by stages – no new tenants be accepted, current tenants should not be renewed after the termination of current contracts.

c) There should be curriculum development/improvement that will include ideas like the apprenticeship in the third year and fourth year with one half support from PBC funds and the other half from the congregation where the apprentice serves.

d) Brother Edwin Valencia informed the body that brother Erasto Fuentes Jr. and brother Salvador Cariaga can help increase the resources of PBC by making PBC a Christian College.

e) Brother Jun Patricio made a motion that was duly seconded that brethren Zambrano and Valencia being Business Managers, make a blueprint for the PBC we want and present this blueprint to the Elders of the Baguio Church of Christ. This motion was approved.

3. Because of the Philippine Mission Forum to be held in Tagbilaran City, Bohol in the last week of September that would overlap with the PBCAA Board of Trustees regular meeting and in view of the forth coming workshop of a “Christian College Group” in October, the next PBC Board of Trustees meeting will be hosted by brother Edwin Valencia on October 28, 2005. Brother Valencia invited the Board to hold its meeting in the house of brother Teofilo Alcayde which is located along Malvar Street, Baguio City.

4. Meeting was adjourned at 2:43PM. No items follows after this point.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala