Tuesday, June 27, 2006

PBCAA Board of Trustees Resumes Monthly Meeting; Minutes of June 24 Meeting.

PBCAA Board of Trustees Resumes Monthly Meeting; Minutes of June 24 Meeting.

Because of the many congregational activities like regioncal fellowships, forum, camps, retreats, gospel meetings and gospel campaigns in the months of April and May the board of trustees suspended the monthly meetings for two months. On June 24, in Baguio City, the monthly meeting was resumed. It was hosted by brother Eusebio Tanicala.



  1. Eusebio Tanicala
  2. Bonifacio Patrico, Jr.
  3. Eliseo Tangunan
  4. Rolando Dumawa
  5. Arnold Zambrano
  6. Rachel Cabuenas
  7. Rebecca Braga
  8. Mardonio Bernardo

BOA Member Present: Cristino Sacayanan


  1. Edwin Valencia, BT Member
  2. Pablo Lachica, BT Member
  3. John Quiniones, Sr, Ex-Officio Member

Lunch was served/hosted by Eusebio/Liza Tanicala. Prayer for the food was expressed by brother Arnold Zambrano.


  1. There being a quorum, the meeting was called to order at 1:15PM by brother Eusebio Tanicala.
  2. Minutes of the March 4, 2006 was reviewed. Upon motion of Rachel D. Cabuenas which was seconded by Ely Tangunan, the minutes of the 4 March 2006 Meeting was approved as read by the secretary with the following reminders:
    1. Board of Trustees members are reminded to submit 2”x 2” pictures for the organizational chart;
    2. A thank you card received from Florence Batobato who was financially helped was read and accepted.
    3. Bro. Cris Sacayanan has not been able to talk to brother Pablo Lachica to clarify issues.
  3. Minutes of the March 31, 2006 PBCAA General Assembly Meeting was read. Upon motion of Arnold Zambrano which was seconded by Jun Patricio, the minutes of the 31 March 2006 General Assembly meeting was approved as read by Rachel D. Cabuenas who acted as secretary during the general assembly deliberations with the following updates:
    1. The promised book donation from Salvador Cariaga has been delivered through brother Jun Patricio. PBC administration is encouraged to write a letter of acknowledgement and appreciation. Brother Cris Sacayanan writes the said letter.
    2. In conjunction with donations, brother Cris Sacayanan revealed the plan of some Korean brethren to bring in used computers. Because of customs duties and expenses in converting the programs from Korean to English, the donors should be advised of other possible forms of donations. Brother Cris Sacayanan will relay the ideas brought out in the meeting.
  4. Evaluation of the March 31-April 1, 2006 General Assembly Meeting and Fellowship.
    1. During years the Panagkakadua is held in Baguio, the PBCAA general assembly & fellowship should be held proximate to the former to lessen expenses and time.
    2. End of March is much too early, so consider holding it after the annual National Ladies Retreat about the end of April.
    3. Consider eliminating the registration fee. Those attending will buy own food and stay at PBC or anywhere they choose to.
    4. Consider organizing chapters in Mindanao and the Visayas and the BT will go meet the alumni. It was revealed by Jun Patricio that brother Gabriel Valdez is planning on organizing a fellowship of Mindanao alumni. Because of this plan, the Board of Trustees should write a letter encouraging the plan to realization.
    5. More information dissemination that should include benefits members could derive from attending the fellowship.
    6. Consider handing giveaways like Tshirts, caps, reading glasses, sunglasses, etc
  5. Submission of PBCAA Business Plan. Brother Arnold Zambrano will again present the PBCAA Dream which he presented during the general assembly last April.
    1. Consider integrating in the PBC curriculum the idea and practice that congregations should be involved in employing and working with graduates.
    2. Consider conducting seminars for church leaders to promote congregational involvement in employing and working with graduates.
  6. PBCAA Scholarship Fund campaign for three PBC students:
    1. No response yet from alumni to the appeal letters that were sent to them.
    2. Bro Sacayanan suggested that the PBCAA support 5 students since there are no graduates who are going to the preaching field, but it was revealed that the funds available is good for three students.
    3. The BT will write a letter to the members of the Board of Advisers to also sponsor PBC students under the umbrella of the PBCAA.
    4. Since the PBCAA has not formulated guidelines for the selection of PBCAA scholars, it was agreed that PBCAA scholarship funds will be handed to the PBC administration to be given to those accepted and approved students who may enjoy the privilege of receiving the monthly stipend of two thousand pesos each.
    5. Each PBCAA BT member will contribute five hundred pesos each month during the school calendar months. Contributions should be handed to the treasurer at the last Saturday of each month when the regular meeting is held.
  7. PBCAA sponsored continuing education (Ministerial Educational Enhancement). Because brother Sameon could not locate his file where his plans are placed, discussion on this matter is tabled for next meeting.
  8. PBCAA will again write sister Perse J. Trinidad explaining the Php10,000 death benefit she expects from the association in relation to the payment of a “Lifetime Membership fee” because of a duplicate letter complaint shown to the board. Since there is no formal letter complaint that was received that is directed to the Board of Trustees, writing will be done later.

New Business

  1. Bro Jun Patricio suggested that accreditation for Philippine Bible College be worked out with CHED. Brother Sameon suggested that we should first know what Baguio Church is planning for the school because it is useless to discuss and make plans since the PBCAA does not own and control the school and the facilities. Brother Cris Sacayanan is asked to check up with the Baguio church about this matter.
  2. It was suggested that brethren Pablo Lachica and John Quiniones be asked to attend the July 29, 2006 meeting so that they could shed light on the complaint of sister Perse J. Trinidad.
  3. Sister Rachel Cabuenas will host the July 29 meeting in Baguio.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm and prayer was said by brother Eli Tangunan.

Certified correct: (Sgd) REBECCA E. BRAGA

Presiding Officer

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