Thursday, March 08, 2007

FEB 17 - Minutes of the Board Meeting

February 17, 2007, White Room PBC, Baguio City

Present: Eusebio Tanicala, Santiago Sameon II, Mardonio Bernardo, Pablo Lachica,
Arnold Zambrano, Edwin Valencia, Rolando Dumawa, Rachel Cabuenas
and Rebecca Braga.
Absent: Bonifacio Patricio Jr. – in Hongkong; Eliseo Tangunan; John Quiniones
Food was served by Eusebio & Liza Tanicala.

Meeting called to order at 1:30PM
Presiding brother: Eusebio Tanicala
A. Old Business
1. Evaluation of IT seminar held in the morning
- appreciate & commend brother Pablo Lachica for teaching
- lessons were very good, excellent
- will have a follow-up seminar but will have to begin with the basic principles of using the computer
- brother Pablo Lachica can come and teach IT every other Saturday
- March 10, 2007 – hands on so bring your computers
-Motion #1 The body recommend to PBC to offer computer as a subject immediately. Approved. Those graduating students can get a crash program. PBCAA sponsor. We will write the Church and school.

2. January 20, 2007 minutes as read moved for approval. Approved.

3. Follow-up of previous assignments & tabled items:
3.1. Preacher’s training & raising of funds – brother Arnold Zambrano
- PBC should have a program to deploy graduates
- PBC/BCoC to continue support of the students after graduation
- Trust Fund – for the purpose of student support after graduation
Motion #2 – The body request the PBC Administrator to put a course description in every subject taught with teachers projected plan and output. Approved.
3.2. April 30-May 1, 2007 program of activities. Brother Bob Buchanan
to be the devotional speaker.
3.3. October 2007 Alumni & Church Leaders’ Forum initial plan brought out:
- topic on Islam & Cooperation
- think of specific topics & suitable speakers
- integrate Preachers training & raising of mission funds/church giving if
acceptable to the brethren (local autonomy & interdependency)

4. Collection of BOT for PBC scholarship fund = Php8,000.

5. Brother Pablo Lachica has disseminated and sent out invitation and information
to Luzon alumni about the April 30-May 1, 2007 PBCAA homecoming.

6. Masteral Program committee – conduct entrance exam & interview, leave the
specifics to the committee; recommend to the committee to meet before
March 10, 2007 to discuss the subjects.

Motion #3 – The body amended membership of the masteral committee that since brother Santiago Sameon II is going to the Visayas for preaching that sister Sarah Sameon be included in the committee. Approved.

B. New Business:
1. New disk & CD rom for computer donated by brother Pablo Lachica in the
amount of Php4,500. Recognized and thanked for.
2. Place this donated computer for PBC students’ research use under the
supervision of sister Rebecca Braga in LTE Room #2. Approved with
3. March 10, 2007 meeting– Lunch host – brother Santiago Sameon II;
-Merienda (IT seminar) – brother Edwin Valencia
4. Meeting adjourned at 3:55 PM with a prayer led by brother Arnold Zambrano.

Certified correct: Noted:
Secretary President

Agenda PBCAA Board of Trustees Meeting
10 March 2007 at 18 Rimando Road, Baguio City

*Lunch hosted by Dodoy & Sarah Sameon at the “White Room”

1. Call to order for the business meetingand prayer
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
3. Old Business
a) Review masteral program
b) Follow up of previous assignments
c) Program for the April 30 & May 1 alumni reunion; committees
4. New Business
5. Others

Eusebio Tanicala

PBCAA Office, 18 Rimando Road
Baguio City
March 6, 2007

The Elders & Deacons
Baguio Church of Christ
18 Rimando Road, Baguio City

Dear brethren:

Recognizing the great benefits that could be derived from information technology, the Board of Trustees of the PBC Alumni Association would like to suggest that you encourage PBC faculty members and students to attend the Saturday morning seminar sponsored by the PBC Alumni Association.
This seminar was started February 17. Another seminar will be conducted in the morning of March 10 at the PBC Library. If you believe that the PBC teachers and students are interested in this seminar, we could arrange for more Saturday classes. We would like to know if this suggested group could be assembled for this special instruction.
Brothers Pablo Lachica and Eliseo Tangunan are our resource persons. They also have programs relative to Bible Study, sermons, Bible lessons, general references that they could load into individual computers for free.

Yours in His service,

Rebecca E. Braga Eusebio Tanicala
Board Secretary Board President

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