Monday, September 17, 2007


A. Venue: LTE White Room, Philippine Bible College,Baguio
B. Present: Eusebio Tanicala, Arnold Zambrano, Santiago Sameon II, Rachel Cabuenas, Rebecca Braga.

C. Late: Edwin Valencia

D. Absent: Bonifacio Patricio Jr, Eli Tangunan, Mar Bernardo, Pablo Lachica, Rolando Dumawa

E. Minutes:
1. There being no amendments to the minutes of the July, 2007 mee4ting, minutes as read were approved.
2. Business arising from prevous meeting:
a) Articles needed for PBCAA blog updates to be submitted end of the month to E. Tanicala.
b) October 24-26 Forum Update:
-Brother Tony Balagot accepts invitation.
-Theme: Understanding Islam and Muslims
-Santiago Sameon II, E. Tanicala to speak on the two other topics: Biography of Muhammad,Christianity & Islam--Comparison & Contrast.
-Snacks to be solicited.
-Plaques to be donated by Arnold Zambrano.
-Php1K for tarpoline streamer c/o A.Zambrano

c)Ideas to the BCOC Elders written in resolution
d) Masteral Program, not yet developed.
e) Request of brotehr Mar Bernardo that BOT meetings be held on Sunday pm not approved.
f) PBCAA Scholarship fund is Php3,000.
g) Sept. 15th meeting to be hospted by Rachel Cabuenas in Baguio.

Certified correct: (Sgd) Rebecca E. Braga

Noted: (Sgd) Eusebio Tanicala

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


1. Date: 24-26 October 2007
2. Venue: PBC Library, Rimando Road
3. Theme: Understanding Islam
4. Purpose: To provide alumni and church leaders better understanding of the beginning, major teachings and the upsurge of Islam .
6. Food Fee: Php40/meal for those who register and make food reservation (one half shouldered by PBCAA officers); officers provide the snacks. Catered.
7. Special Lecturer: Brother Tony Balagot of Makilala, Cotabato

* Understanding the Upsurge of Islamic Fundamentalism

* Muslims’ Perception of American and Western Modern Civilization

* Reaching Out to Muslim Friends and Communities

8. Lecturer: Santiago Sameon II, Ed.D.

* The Life of Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Abd al Muttalib

9. Lecturer: Eusebio Tanicala, Ph.D.

* Islam & Christianity: Comparison & Contrast

10. Sleeping Quarters Available, please bring beddings
11. Those who update membership fees: Php50 per month.

Alumni and church leaders are invited. Please spread out invitation. We hope to see you at the forum!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Statement of Collection as of May 1, 2007

Philippine Bible College Alumni Association, Inc.
Interim Statement of Collection and Disbursement
May 01, 2007

Sources of Funds

Membership Fee - Lifetime 5,700.00
Membership Fee - regular 17,050.00
Donations - PBCAA fund* 2,500.00*
TOTAL FUNDS 25,250.00


Homecoming Advances 2,000.00
Community Tax Cert. 2007 550.00
Honorarium 1,000.00
Petty Cash Fund 1,500.00
Total disburse 5,050.00

*Pablo Lachica 2,000.00
*Sis Ine Mayor 500.00

Edwin Valencia: PBCAA t-shirts and 100 pcs of siopao
Eli Tangunan: 100 pcs of soft drinks
Arnold Zambrano: reading eye-glasses
Jun Patricio: printing of t-shirts
Board of Trustees: meals

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Philippine Bible College Graduates Nine Young People

The Philippine Bible College in Baguio City awarded certificates to nine young people on April 30. These youngsters finished the two year classroom program. They are Wyler S. Addamag of Baguio City; Flordeliza de Pedro & Lermie de Pedro fo Calintaan, Occidental Mindoro; Daniel Dranciang of Quezon City; Herminio Ilumin, Jr. of Asingan, Pangasinan; Ralph Aaron Maninang & Raniel Maninnang of Mexico, Pampanga; Jun Michael Pauge of Cebu; and Rodrigo Pineda, Jr. of San Fernando City, Pampanga.

Bob Buchanan, evangelist based in Davao City was the guest speaker in the evening graduation while Won Young Hee of Seoul, Korea was the banquet speaker. Eusebio Tanicala inducted the nine graduates into the Alumni Association.

Philippine Bible College Alumni Homecoming ‘07

Close to one hundred alumni of Philippine Bible College came together during the 30 April homecoming. Free reading glasses were distributed by brother Arnold Zambrano. Brother Edwin Valencia and Jun Patricio gave away free T-Shirts.

To help the retired, under employed and unemployed alumni and their family members, a lecture on entrepreneurship was given by Arnold Zambrano. Edsin & Nancy Valencia demonstrated siopao making; Ms. Remedios of the Benguet State University discussed ube jam making, and Dakila Padua lectured on mushroom culture.

PBC Alumni and Church Leaders Hold Forum

On May 1, the Philippine Bible College Alumni Association sponsored a forum on “Abundant Giving.” Topics discussed were “Measures of Giving in the Patriarchal, Mosaical and Christian Dispensations” by Arnold Zambrano; “Expressions and Arguments Generally Used by Filipino Preachers: Their Weakness” by Eusebio Tanicala; “The Psychology of Giving” by Edwin Valencia; Gilbert Trani lectured on “Planning & Budgeting as Tools in Abundant Giving and Church Growth.”

Zambrano and Valencia stressed that abundant and sacrificial giving is an expression of love for the Lord, a support for church work, an acknowledgment of the rich providential blessings of God, a material investment with spiritual profits.

On the other hand, Tanicala made the observation that many preachers use expressions like, “tithing has been taken out and is not binding,” and leaves the impression that giving is below ten percent; and some pray “Lord, bless those who give as well as those who cannot give,” with the impression that non-givers harvest the same blessings as those who give; “give as you prosper” “as one purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity” leaving the impression that the individual is left to his own to determine the amount by self-measuring his own prosperity, and give the amount that which is not begrudged. Another expression based on the widow’s mite is “even if the amount you give is very small, the Lord welcomes it” leaving the impression that the small contribution makes God happy. Preachers and Bible teachers emphasize the smallness of the coin instead of what is left inside the pocket or purse of the widow. These were explained in the context of the passages.

“I’m happy to hear those words about abundant giving,” remarked Bob Buchanan.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

FEB 17 - Minutes of the Board Meeting

February 17, 2007, White Room PBC, Baguio City

Present: Eusebio Tanicala, Santiago Sameon II, Mardonio Bernardo, Pablo Lachica,
Arnold Zambrano, Edwin Valencia, Rolando Dumawa, Rachel Cabuenas
and Rebecca Braga.
Absent: Bonifacio Patricio Jr. – in Hongkong; Eliseo Tangunan; John Quiniones
Food was served by Eusebio & Liza Tanicala.

Meeting called to order at 1:30PM
Presiding brother: Eusebio Tanicala
A. Old Business
1. Evaluation of IT seminar held in the morning
- appreciate & commend brother Pablo Lachica for teaching
- lessons were very good, excellent
- will have a follow-up seminar but will have to begin with the basic principles of using the computer
- brother Pablo Lachica can come and teach IT every other Saturday
- March 10, 2007 – hands on so bring your computers
-Motion #1 The body recommend to PBC to offer computer as a subject immediately. Approved. Those graduating students can get a crash program. PBCAA sponsor. We will write the Church and school.

2. January 20, 2007 minutes as read moved for approval. Approved.

3. Follow-up of previous assignments & tabled items:
3.1. Preacher’s training & raising of funds – brother Arnold Zambrano
- PBC should have a program to deploy graduates
- PBC/BCoC to continue support of the students after graduation
- Trust Fund – for the purpose of student support after graduation
Motion #2 – The body request the PBC Administrator to put a course description in every subject taught with teachers projected plan and output. Approved.
3.2. April 30-May 1, 2007 program of activities. Brother Bob Buchanan
to be the devotional speaker.
3.3. October 2007 Alumni & Church Leaders’ Forum initial plan brought out:
- topic on Islam & Cooperation
- think of specific topics & suitable speakers
- integrate Preachers training & raising of mission funds/church giving if
acceptable to the brethren (local autonomy & interdependency)

4. Collection of BOT for PBC scholarship fund = Php8,000.

5. Brother Pablo Lachica has disseminated and sent out invitation and information
to Luzon alumni about the April 30-May 1, 2007 PBCAA homecoming.

6. Masteral Program committee – conduct entrance exam & interview, leave the
specifics to the committee; recommend to the committee to meet before
March 10, 2007 to discuss the subjects.

Motion #3 – The body amended membership of the masteral committee that since brother Santiago Sameon II is going to the Visayas for preaching that sister Sarah Sameon be included in the committee. Approved.

B. New Business:
1. New disk & CD rom for computer donated by brother Pablo Lachica in the
amount of Php4,500. Recognized and thanked for.
2. Place this donated computer for PBC students’ research use under the
supervision of sister Rebecca Braga in LTE Room #2. Approved with
3. March 10, 2007 meeting– Lunch host – brother Santiago Sameon II;
-Merienda (IT seminar) – brother Edwin Valencia
4. Meeting adjourned at 3:55 PM with a prayer led by brother Arnold Zambrano.

Certified correct: Noted:
Secretary President

Agenda PBCAA Board of Trustees Meeting
10 March 2007 at 18 Rimando Road, Baguio City

*Lunch hosted by Dodoy & Sarah Sameon at the “White Room”

1. Call to order for the business meetingand prayer
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
3. Old Business
a) Review masteral program
b) Follow up of previous assignments
c) Program for the April 30 & May 1 alumni reunion; committees
4. New Business
5. Others

Eusebio Tanicala

PBCAA Office, 18 Rimando Road
Baguio City
March 6, 2007

The Elders & Deacons
Baguio Church of Christ
18 Rimando Road, Baguio City

Dear brethren:

Recognizing the great benefits that could be derived from information technology, the Board of Trustees of the PBC Alumni Association would like to suggest that you encourage PBC faculty members and students to attend the Saturday morning seminar sponsored by the PBC Alumni Association.
This seminar was started February 17. Another seminar will be conducted in the morning of March 10 at the PBC Library. If you believe that the PBC teachers and students are interested in this seminar, we could arrange for more Saturday classes. We would like to know if this suggested group could be assembled for this special instruction.
Brothers Pablo Lachica and Eliseo Tangunan are our resource persons. They also have programs relative to Bible Study, sermons, Bible lessons, general references that they could load into individual computers for free.

Yours in His service,

Rebecca E. Braga Eusebio Tanicala
Board Secretary Board President


20 January 2007, PBC White Room, Baguio City

Present: Eusebio Tanicala, Santiago Sameon II, Eliseo Tangonan, Edwin Valencia, Pablo Lachica, Rachel Cabuenas & Rebecca Braga
Late: Arnold Zambrano
Absent: 1. Bonifacio Patricio Jr. – Albay mission/benevolence trip
2. Mardonio Bernardo & Rolando Dumawa – attended a burial of member
3. John Quiniones (BoA chair), Ex-Officio Member of BoT, has class.

Food was served by Eusebio & Liza Tanicala, Prayer for the food was expressed by
brother Eliseo Tangonan.


1.Meeting was called to order at 1:30pm.
2.November 25, 2007 minutes read and approved.
3.Follow-up of previous assignments:
a.BOT members reminded of their 2x2 picture for the bulletin board
b.Ex-officio Chair John Quiniones Sr. always absent during meetings.
His text reason is that he has a class every Saturday. Will write brother
Cristino Sacayanan that he will meet the Board of Advisers and select
Chairman to be the ex-officio in the BoT.
c.Collection of BOT PBC Scholarship contributions= Php 4,500 (Cash=Php2,000 + Php2,500= check) by Mrs. Braga.
d.Report on mailing of General Assembly meeting: 2 mails & 1 e-mail out of the 42 letters sent.
e.T-shirts ok from brethren Edwin Valencia & printing from Boni Patricio Jr.;Reading glasses – wait for brother Arnold Zambrano. Ok.
f. Pay Php 300 membership fee to avail of t-shirts & reading glasses.
g.Forum Topics: Ok
h.DOST on Livelihood projects presentation c/o brother Ishmael Gurtiza.
Letter was read to the body. Write brother Gurtiza what specific live-
lihood project his group will present.
4.New Business:
a.Proposal of brother Arnold Zambrano on preacher’s training and raising
of funds – tabled for next meeting.
b.Masteral Program proposed by brother Sameon – create a committee for curriculum development. Recommended members: Bob Buchanan, Eusebio Tanicala, Dr. Santiago Sameon II, Felix Bravo, Dr. John Quiniones, Sr., Butch Boniel, Dr. Teofilo Alcayde & Dr. Sammy Cariaga with possible tie up with Sunrise Christian College.
c. Enrichment of current PBC curriculum – tabled
d. Initial ideas for the October 2007 Alumni & Church Leaders’ Forum – next

5.May 1, 2007 activities 8:00-8:30 Devotional – Brother Bob Buchanan
8:30-9:30 Topic #1
930-1030 Topic # 2
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00- 12:00 Topic # 3
Lunch Break
1:30- 3:00 Topic # 4
3:00- 5:00 Fun & Games
6. Sister Perse Trinidad – Wrote to her about the lifetime membership fee.
7. Proposal of brother Pablo Lachica on Alumni & Preachers seminar on Encoding,
E-mail, Internet, Power Point, etc. Approved - February 17, 2007 at PBC library, 8:00-12:00nn
- hands on for those who have computers
- brother Edwin Valencia will ask the permission for the use of the library,etc
- teachers brethren Pablo Lachica & Eliseo Tangonann
- merienda by brother Eusebio Tanicala
8. February 17, 2007 meeting – PBC White Room, 1 PM
9. March 10, 2007 BOT meeting – Santiago Sameon II residence.
10. Demar Elam –

Meeting adjourned at 3:15PM with a prayer led by brother Santiago Sameon II.

Certified correct:


