Friday, November 25, 2005

November 25, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

PBCAA MINUTES OF MEETING, November 25, 2005, Baguio City


1. Venue: House of Cris & Elvie Sacayanan, 18 Rimando Road, Baguio City

2. Attendance:

2.1. Present: Mardonio Bernardo, Bonifacio Patricio Jr, Santiago Sameon II,
Arnold Zambrano, Rachel Cabuenas, Edwin Valencia, Rebecca Braga

2.2. Board of Advisers:Cris Sacayanan.

2.3. Absent: Eusebio Tanicala(USA), Pablo Lachica, Eliseon Tangunan,
Rolando Dumawa

3. Lunch was served by Cris & Elvie Sacayanan; brother Arnold Zambrano gave blessings for the food.


1. Meeting called to order at 1:30Pm by brother Bonifacio Patricio Jr.

2. Minutes of the October 28,2005 meeting approved with corrections on the following:

2.1. Item #4 – The giving of Php2,000 per student a month has started last November
2005, instead of June 2006 according to brother Cris Sacayanan, PBC Director.

2.2. Item #3 – Will write to the BOA to also sponsor five (5) PBC students starting
school year 2006-2007 co-terminus with the Trustees.

3. Follow-up of previous assigned tasks:

3.1. Physical/Billeting – brother Edwin Valencia was tasked to write the Baguio Church
for the use of the facilities during the PBCAA homecoming.

3.2. Streamers – brother Arnold Zambrano will donate the streamers.

3.3. Food catered – Meal tickets will be provided.

3.4. First Aid – sisters Sarah Sameon, Sophia Tanicala, Joy Braga

Motion #1 A motion was made and duly seconded than an amount of Php1,000
be appropriated for medicines and used to buy medicines as needed.


3.5. Documentation – Brother Jun Patricio will inform brother Eliseo Tangunan to get
video of activities from start to finish. Brother Edwin Valencia will provide the audio
system, etc. All alumni with video cameras can do the same. Showing will be before
activities and closing program.

3.6. Souvenir Program – c/o sisters Rachel Cabuenas & Rebecca Braga

3.7. Games/Prizes – c/o sister Rachel Cabuenas

3.8. Security/Janitorial

Motion #2 – A motion was made and duly seconded that there is a need for a guard
and janitor; an amount of Php1,500 is appropriated for honorarium. The
amount is inclusive of Php500 cash plus Php250 food. However, if they
opt not to eat with the PBCAA crowd, they can have the Php750 cash
each. Brethren Leo Leonen and James Pas-en were selected to serve.


3.9. Registration - c/o sister Rebecca Braga. Name tags with color coding:

1950-69 – White

1970-79 –Orange

1980-89 -Yellow

1990-2005 - Green

4. BIR exemption application. BIR requires the Certificate of Registration and audited Financial Statement. Brother Edwin Valencia will contact his friend at BIR to help secure the exemption.

5. Financial Records – c/o brother Mardonio Bernardo – none yet

6.Recruitment of alumni into the association – Remind brethren Eliseo Tangunan, Santiago Sameon II, and Pablo Lachica of this need. One response from Mindanao, brother Jaime Allibang of Davao City – he sent Php300 PMO which was given to brother Tholomew Mapalo to be deposited to PBCAA PCIBank account.

7. Remind brethren Eliseo Tangunan about the PBCAA Website and Rolando Dumawa of the PBCAA Newsletter.

8. Strategy for building up the PBCAA Scholarship Fund Solicitation letter needs to include the following:

8.1. Objective and mission
8.2. Duration of commitment
8.3. Target amount
8.4. One-to-one scholar (Individually) or group by year of graduation, etc.
8.5. A package for the scholar
8.6. Congregation contribute to PBC and PBC will return the services
8.7. According to brother Cris Sacayanan, PBC source of income are:

8.7.1. families contribution
8.7.2. regular Baguio Church of Christ Sunday contribution very last
Sunday of each month.
8.7.3. recently, thru sister Susan Ibanez contributed one thousand dollars
($1,000) which is a one-time contribution.
8.7.4. contribution from Korean Christian University thru brother Won, one
thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) per semester for ten(10 )students at
two thousand pesos(Php2,0000) per student per month. He plans to tie
up with PBC in the future through student exchange program for Koreans to
learn English.

9. A more productive PBC program:

9.1. Improve facilities like the dormitory, cooking area for boys. Boys Dorm bathroom
has been tiled.

9.2. Continuing education program for alumni.

9.3. Additional subjects


Talk about the next meeting on December 30, 2005. Adjourned at 6:26pm with a prayer led by brother Arnold Zambrano. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Bonifacio Patricio Jr.

Friday, October 28, 2005

October 28, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING-PBCAA BOARD OF TRUSTEES, October 28, 2005, PBC Library, Baguio City

Present PBCAA BT Absent PBCAA BT

1. Eusebio Tanicala 1. Eliseo Tangunan
2. Arnold Zambrano 2. Rolando Dumawa
3. Rebecca Braga 3. Pablo Lachica-attended burial of sister-in-law
4. Santiago Sameon II

5. Mardonio Bernardo Present BOA

6. Rachel Cabuenas 1. Cris Sacayanan
7. Edwin Valencia 2. Teofilo Alcayde
8. Bonifacio Patricio Jr. 3. Erasto Fuentes Jr.

At the PBC Library at 12:45Pm, lunch was served by host Edwin & Nancy Valencia, this day being his birthday. Prayer for the food and for the meeting was expressed by brother Santiago Sameon II.


1. There being a quorum, the meeting was called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala, PBCAA President. Words of welcome was expressed by the chairman.

2. Minutes of the August 25, 2005 meeting was reviewed. No correction and no amendment was made. A motion which was duly seconded was made for the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.

3. Follow-up of previous assignments:

a) Follow-up on Program – December 28-30, 2005 Home coming and Fellowship

  • Include in the letter to the alumni that they bring their own beddings.
  • Dec. 28, being a Wednesday, activities in the evening will start at 6:30PM w/ the BCoC.
  • Theme: Come Let’s Unite and Build!
  • Devotional Service In-charge: Brother Dodoy Sameon, 20 minute lesson. Ask brother Elmer Emperado to speak if he comes.
  • December 29 Activities:

8:00- 8:30AM, Devotional Service (SSameon II, in-charge)

8:30-10:30AM, Group Dynamics

10:30-11:00AM, Reading of approved minutes & resoutions

11:00-11:55AM, Reporting

12:00- 2:00PM, Lunch and Rest

2:00- 5:30pm, Games(RCabuenas, in-charge. Prizes solicited)

5:30- 6:30PM, Supper

7:00- 9:00PM, Closing Program, Presentation to be given by batches

(types of presentation be assigned by RCabuenas)

  • Fun & Games In-charge, sister Rachel Cabuenas
  • Food service in-charge, brother Eliseo Tangunan

-Php50/meal x 5 = Php250

- 9 years old & below 50% discount = Php125

- Food to be cooked or catered

- brother Dodoy will take care of alumni coming from the Visayas

- brother Edwin will take care of alumni coming from Mindanao

- brother Arnold will donate one cavan rice

- Registration fee of Php100 for alumni

Motion #1: A motion made by brother Arnold Zambrano which was duly seconded that the amount of Php250 for food be charged, nine years old and below charged Php125, and Php100 registration for alumni be collected upon registration. Approved. (Other matters related to food service discussed and approved are indicated above).

b) Follow-up on BIR Exemption: sister Rebecca says no development yet.

c) Follow-up on Financial Records: brother Mar says he’s still going over the records.

d) Follow-up on Recruitment of PBCAA membership, still going on

4. Strategy for building up PBCAA Scholarship Fund

a) Information given by brother Cris Sacayanan, PBC Director; School year 2006-2007 the amount of Php2,000 per student shall be given.

b) Motion #2 – A motion by brother Arnold Zambrano which was duly seconded, that the PBCA Board of Trustees will sponsor at least five(5) students starting school year 2006-2007. Approved. (Explanations: If Board of Trustees cannot produce the amount from among themselves, additional funding could be sourced from other individuals or institutions. The students will be called “PBCAA Scholars.” The PBCAA officers will be the screening committee to select the students who will enjoy the scholarship.)

c) Motion #3 – A motion by brother Arnold Zambrano which was duly seconded, that the PBCAA Board of Trustees will write a letter encouraging the PBCAA Board of Advisers to sponsor also at least five(5) students and provide scholarship fund starting school year 2006 onward. Approved.

d) Motion #4 – A motion which was duly seconded, that the PBCAA Board of Trustees will write a solicitation letter to be mailed to alumni, especially alumni and friends who are living and working abroad, with the primary purpose of raising funds to underwrite the upgrading of facilities of Philippine Bible College. Approved. (In relation to this motion it is requested that brother Cris Sacayanan be asked to provide the PBCAA Board of Trustees a list, according to the order of priority, the top five specific needs of Philippine Bible College, for instance computers, repairs of comfort rooms, repainting and lighting.)

5. Report on the development of a BCoC-Christian College Group dialogue.

a) Brother Edwin Valencia reported: Has caused the making of structural designs costing Php6,000 which he proposes for the campus at 18 Rimando Road, Baguio City; he also went to Cebu City for a talk with brother Salvador Cariaga; will organize a committee to pursue this plan.

b) Brother Erasto Fuentes Jr. reported that a Christian College somewhere in Benguet maybe established along Marcos Highway in a lot now owned by brother Maril Bayating. It may take five (5) to six (6) years from this time for the realization of this dream. February of 2006 will be the meeting of those interested persons/investors. It will be more of a foundation (non-stock corporation).

c) Brother Erasto Fuentes Jr. proposed to PBC and PBCAA for a Graduate School with tie up with Harding University.

6. Next meeting is November 25, 2005. Host is brother Cris Sacayanan, 18 Rimando Road, Baguio City.

7. Meeting adjourned with a closing prayer offered by brother Jun Patricio at 5:32PM. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala

Thursday, August 25, 2005

August 25, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF BUSINESS MEETING-PBCAA BOARD OF TRUSTEES, August 25, 2005 at the Sameons’ Residence, 48-A Pine Crest Heights, Kitma, Baguio City

Present PBCAA Trustees Absent Trustee

1. Eusebio Tanicala 6. Mardonio Bernardo 1. Rolando Dumawa

2. Bonifacio Patricio Jr. 7. Rachel Cabuenas Present BO

3. Pablo Lachica 8. Arnold Zambrano 1. Cristino Sacayanan

4. Santiago Sameon II 9. Edwin Valencia 2. Teofilo Alcayde

5. Eliseo Tangunan 10. Rebecca Braga


1. A quorum was declared and the meeting was called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala at 10:30AM. Brother Patricio led the prayer. Brother Sameon gave an introduction and he welcomed everyone to their home.

2. Minutes of the July 29, 2005 meeting was reviewed and approved with corrections of the date from 2205 to 2005, from Cypress to Crest on the address of the Sameons.

3. Sister Braga reported that five (5) among those nominated/elected members of the Board of Advisers have so far signified willingness to serve. More time should be given
for the response of others nominated to the Board of Advisers.

4. Bringing out a PBCAA Newsletter under the care of brother Rolando Dumawa tabled because there is no report of its progress.

5. PBCAA Website under the care of brother Eli Tangunan. The project is under study.

6. Promotion of active PBCAA membership is underway. The Vice President for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao requested that a form be made and be distributed to al alumni to establish contact with them.

7.Brother Mar Bernardo makes a report about the turn over of file from sister Yen. Brother Bernardo says that he has to go over the files. Brother Bernardo further makes his projection about the financial status of the Association by encouraging members to pay their Lifetime Membership fee. Members are given up to December 31, 2005 to pay this Lifetime Membership fee. Those who have paid the annual fee this year may add this annual payment as part of the Lifetime Membership fee if the Lifetime membership fee is paid not later than December 31, 2005. All members of the PBCAA Trustees and PBCAA Board of Advisers are strongly requested to pay their Lifetime Membership fee not later tan December 2005.

8. Sister Braga reported that a dozen (12) monoblock chairs and office supplies have been purchased. These items are inside the PBCAA Office at 18 Rimando Road. It was recommended that tags with respective numbers be attached to the items so that these could be recorder and audited. That the property custodian is the Treasurer(currently brother Bernardo), and the property Auditor is the Auditor (currently sister Cabuenas).

9. It was reported by sister Braga that the tax exemption application form has been filed with the BIR last August 4, 2005 and a follow-up will be done for its approval.

10. A motion which was duly seconded and was approved that any member of the Board of Trustees who is absent from any regular or agreed meeting of the Board should be penalized and the penalty be equivalent to the highest expense incurred by member who comes from the farthest point. The computation includes jeepney and bus and taxi fares from the house of the member who comes from farthest point to the place of meeting of the Board including meal expenses along the way. As of August, the minimum amount is one thousand (Php1,000). The exemption from this approved motion is sickness that is duly certified by a medical doctor. Also basis for exemption is due to fortuitius events like floods and storms or barriers that effectively prevent attendance in the meeting. This provision takes effect in the September 2005 meeting.

11. It was agreed upon that the December 29-30, 2005 Alumni Homecoming will have more socialization and least lectures; no discussions of doctrinal differences but emphasize inspirational messages.

12. It was agreed upon that a copy of the directory published by brother Salvador Cariaga be secured to update the record of addresses of the alumni. The cost of the directory is Php150.


1. Improvement of PBC atmosphere. That brother Arnold Zambrano convenes a group and invite brethren Sameon and Tanicala so that a formalized collation of ideas can be presented to the Baguio Church of Christ Elders and thereby arrive at a Philippine Bible College we want.

(Note: A recess was declared when lunch was served by the Sameon Family. Brother Eli Tangunan led the prayer for the food. Meeting was resumed at 1:00PM).

2. Brainstorming about the PBC we want

a) It was suggested that the campus be improved for the full operation of PBC, and a moratorium on renting of room be made except for married students who opt to stay on campus.

b) Suggested clearance of units be done by stages – no new tenants be accepted, current tenants should not be renewed after the termination of current contracts.

c) There should be curriculum development/improvement that will include ideas like the apprenticeship in the third year and fourth year with one half support from PBC funds and the other half from the congregation where the apprentice serves.

d) Brother Edwin Valencia informed the body that brother Erasto Fuentes Jr. and brother Salvador Cariaga can help increase the resources of PBC by making PBC a Christian College.

e) Brother Jun Patricio made a motion that was duly seconded that brethren Zambrano and Valencia being Business Managers, make a blueprint for the PBC we want and present this blueprint to the Elders of the Baguio Church of Christ. This motion was approved.

3. Because of the Philippine Mission Forum to be held in Tagbilaran City, Bohol in the last week of September that would overlap with the PBCAA Board of Trustees regular meeting and in view of the forth coming workshop of a “Christian College Group” in October, the next PBC Board of Trustees meeting will be hosted by brother Edwin Valencia on October 28, 2005. Brother Valencia invited the Board to hold its meeting in the house of brother Teofilo Alcayde which is located along Malvar Street, Baguio City.

4. Meeting was adjourned at 2:43PM. No items follows after this point.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala

Friday, July 29, 2005

July 29, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING-BOARD OF TRUSTEES PBCAA, July 29,2005 held at the Conference Room, PBC Baguio City

Lunch was served courtesy of Eusebio & Liza Tanicala. Brother Santiago Sameon II led prayer for the food.

Present PBCAA Trustees Absent PBCAA Trustees

1. Eusebio Tanicala 1. Rolando Dumawa

2. Bonifacio Patricio Jr. 2. Edwin Valencia

3. Eliseo Tangunan 3. Pablo Lachica

4. Arnold Zambrano

5. Maronio Bernardo Present BOA

6. Santiago Sameon II 1. Cristino Sacayanan

7. Rachel Cabuenas

8.Rebecca Braga


1.Quorum declared & meeting called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala at 1:35PM;
brother Jun Patricio led a prayer.

2. Minutes of June 30 meeting was read and approved.

3. Review of reports/records that were submitted during the June 30 meeting particularly
#3 of the Secretary’s report which states that “it is the first time that a lectureship is
held.” The statement would be acceptable if it meant it is the first time for the “New
Life Behavior Ministries International” to sponsor a lectureship during a PBCAlumni
Association homecoming.

4. Follow-up on assignments given in the previous board meeting:

4.1. PBCAA continuing education program c/o brother Sameon-currently making
initial ideas.

4.2. Listing and recruiting of alumni to be active and paying members.

a) VPLuzon – brother Lachica, absent

b)VPVisayas – brother Sameon, he contacted Reuben Emperado & Richard
Emperado – no response yet

c) VPMindanao – brother Tangunan – will get PBCAA directory; brother Jun
Patricio will help contact alumni.

4.3. Brother Mardonio Bernardo has the old records of sister Gavina Yen, the past
Treasurer. He wants to go over the file. Financial projection: he recommends
building up the Lifetime Membership Fund and place it in a separate bank account
which will be used to help in the burial expenses for alumni. To date twelve (12)
alumni have paid this fee.

4.4. Functions of Board of Advisers listed:

a) Elect from among themselves a chairman who shall serve as an ex officio
member in the PBCAA Board of Trustees;

b) As a collegial body, the Board of Advisers may forward recommendations,
proposals or ideas to the Board of Trustees through the BOA chairman;

c) Individual member of the BOA may call any individual member of the BT
regarding any issue that pertains to the PBCAA; and

d) As the need may arise members of the BOA may be called upon to promote
or support a program of the PBCAA, Inc.

4.5. The Secretary and President will write those nominated and elected to the Board
of Advisers to check on their availability and interest to serve in the said board.

5. New Business:

5.1. Budget for the PBCAA Office c/o Secretary Rebecca Braga. The amount of four
thousand (Php4,000) was appropriated for twelve(12) chairs and office supplies,
and the amount of five hundred (Php500) for petty cash.

5.2. As provided for in the By-Laws an annual general meeting be held in the last
Friday of March every year so the tentative dates were agreed upon: March 29,
2006 for arrival with evening activities; March 30 for program and general
assembly business meeting; March 31 home bound. Ad Hoc Committee for the
preparation and implementation of the annual general assembly chaired by
brother Eusebio Tanicala. The Program Committee will also be chaired by bother
Eusebio Tanicala. It was agreed upon that promoting attendance to this annual
general meeting among alumni will commence immediately.

6. Other Matters:

6.1. Sister Rachel Cabuenas suggested than an activity for the Association be held this
year in order to collect more membership fees from the alumni. End of December
is approved. More ideas for the December affair be submitted in the next meeting
including educational/livelihood seminar and fun games for the family. Tentative
dates: December 29-30,2005.

6.2. PBCAA contribution to Philippine Bible College scholarship fund: two thousand
(Php2,000) from brother Eliseo Tangunan for June and July 2005.

6.3. Secretary Rebecca Braga reminded the body on the need to contact Mr. Jojo
Gorospe of BIR to get a tax exempt certificate for PBCAA. The President will
Draft the letter and work on the project.

6.4. Next monthly meeting is set for August 26,2005 at the Sameon’s residence at
Pines Cypress Heights, Lower Kitma Road, Baguio City.

7. Meeting was adjourned at 3:03PM. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala

Thursday, June 30, 2005

June 30, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING –BOARD OF TRUSTEES PBCAA, June 30, 2005 at Conference Room, PBC Baguio

Lunch was served, courtesy of Pablo & Leony Lachica. Brother Conrado Mapalo led the prayer for the food.


1. Eusebio Tanicala 7. Santiago Sameon II Board of Advisers

2. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. 8. Rolando Dumawa 1. Cristino Sacayanan

3. Eliseo Tangunan 9. Edwin Valencia 2. Conrado Mapalo

4. Pablo Lachica 10. Rachel Cabuenas 3. Felix Garlitos

5. Arnold Zambrano 11. Rebecca Braga

6. Mardonio Bernardo


  1. Meeting called to order by brother Eusebio Tanicala at 1:10pm. Brother Arnold Zambrano led a prayer.
  2. Minutes of May 27, 2005 (6:30pm) meeting read. Approved with the clarification about the resignation of brother John Quiniones, Sr. giving way to brother Santiago Sameon II as VP for the Visayas and brother Arnold Zambrano takes the position of Business Manager. This arrangement was with the consent of the three parties concerned.
  3. Brother Felix Garlitos suggested that motions, deliberations, discussions and voting be among the Board of Trustees only. This was unanimously approved by the Board.
  4. Minutes of May 27, 2005 (9:30pm) meeting approved except the issue on “PBC as a trade name was registered by brother Felix Garlitos as the sole owner.” Brother Felix Garlitos explained that “he registered PBC under the Metro Manila Church of Christ of 31 Samar Avenue, Quezon City with the Bureau of Domestic Trade. The Metro Manila Church of Christ allowed the registration to lapse and did not renew registration.”
  5. It was suggested that the PBCAA study the possibility of owning/registering the name Philippine Bible College (PBC). Conference with the Metro Manila Church of Christ on this matter should be pursued.
  6. PBCAA’s office at 18 Rimando Road has been granted by the Baguio Church of Christ Elders under certain conditions. It was requested of brother Cristino Sacayanan that the conditions be made known.
  7. New Business

7.1. Brother Felix Garlitos turned over the Certificate of Registration of the Amended by-laws, SEC report and minutes of the May 27-28, 2005 general assembly meeting to sister Rebecca Braga and brother Eusebio Tanicala

7.2. Filled up the six (6) remaining slots for the 15-member Board of Advisers. Those nominated and who received votes are the following:.

Reuben Emperado -------------9 votes

Salvador Cariaga -------------- 8 votes

Silverio Biteng ----------------- 6 votes

Marlow Garlitos ----------------5 votes (10 votes, 2nd rd)

Arthur Madlaing --------------- 5 votes (9 votes, 2nd rd)

Willie Franco--------------------5 votes (8 votes 2nd rd)

Erasto Fuentes, Jr. -------------5 votes (6 votes 2nd rd)

7.3 .Define functions of the Board of Advisers. Write a letter and check up
acceptance. If one refuses the next in rank will be asked to serve.

7.4. Letter request of an alumni group for a dialogue with the Baguio Church of
Christ leaders. Brother Arnold Zambrano explained the background of the
letter request. After a lengthy discussion on the matter a motion was made
by brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. which was duly seconded that the PBCAA
officers will initiate a dialogue with the Baguio CoC. This was approved.

7.5. Another motion was made by brother Santiago Sameon II which was
seconded by brother Pablo Lachica that the signatories and other alumni
members be invited to the dialogue. Approved.

7.6. Motion made by brother Pablo Lachica that brother Eusebio Tanicala draft
a letter to be given to the BCoC leaders arranging for this dialogue. Approved.

7.7. Regular monthly meeting be changed from Saturday to the last Friday of
the month. Approved.

7.8. It was unanimously approved that all alumni be contacted by the vice

Presidents: VP-Luzon -------- Pablo Lachica

VP-Visayas-------Santiago Sameon II

VP-Mindanao -------Eliseo Tangunan

(Note: Borrow list in the possession of sister Naty Corpuz)

7.9. Brother Eliseo Tangunan plans to organize a satellite group in Mindanao
to help contact alumni in that region. He asked the PBCAA to help him in his
expenses. It was approved and the amount of five thousand pesos (Ph5,000)
is given in advanced and must be liquidated after one week of arrival from
this mission.

7.10. On the matter of providing continuing education for PBCAA members -
more time to think but brother Santiago Sameon II as chair and brother
Edwin Valencia as member start making preliminary plans.

7.11. On the possibility of having a PBCAA Newsletter –PRO bro Rolando
Dumawa is in-charge.

7.12. On the possibility of having a PBCAA website – chair, Eliseo Tangunan.
More time needed.

7.13. On the matter of privileged use of BCoC Visitors’ Room by out of town
BT and BOA members who attend PBCAA officers meetings in Baguio.
BCoC grants Php50 per person as contribution to electricity and laundry.
Members of immediate family included in the said privilege. Approved.

7.14. Brother Mardonio Bernardo reports on the financial status of PBCAA:
money is at the EPCI Bank, Session Road, Baguio City; Savings Account
#1475-21936-4 in the amount of Php32,138.78 less Php5,000 expenses less
payable of Php3,000. TIN# is 006=218-471 and CTC is #00141610

7.15. PBCAA assistance for the BCoC-PBC program: Brother Pablo Lachica will
course help thro PBCAA in the amount of Php1,000 each month starting
July 2005.

7.16. Next regular meeting is July 29, 2005 at 12HN, PBC Conference Room.
Host is brother Eusebio Tanicala in Baguio City.

7.17. Meeting was adjourned 5:40pm with a closing prayer led by brother
Eliseo Tangunan. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala

Friday, May 27, 2005



Philippine Bible College Alumni Association, Inc.
Grand Assembly held at the Auditorium, Philippine Bible College, Baguio City

Final Tally Rank Votes

1. Mardonio Bernardo 41

2. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. 40

3,4,5, Eusebio Tanicala 35

3,4,5. Pablo Lachica 35

3,4,5. Eliseo Tangunan 35

6. Arnold Zambrano 32

7. Rachel Cabuenas 31

8,9. Rebecca Braga 30

8,9. John Quiniones, Sr. 30

10. Edwin Valencia 27

11. Rolando Dumawa 27

12. Santiago Sameon II 27

13. Florlito Batoon 26

14. Rolando Nonog 24

15. Alejandro Ciencia, Sr. 20

16. Alex Coloma 17

May 27, 2005 BOT Special Meeting


May 27, PBC Conference Room, 6:30pm

Present :

  1. Eusebio Tanicala
  2. Arnold Zambrano
  3. Pablo Lachica
  4. Mardonio Bernardo
  5. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.
  6. Rachel Cabuenas
  7. John Quiniones, Sr.
  8. Rebecca Braga
  9. Eliseo Tangunan


1. Rolando Dumawa
2. Edwin Valencia


Election of officers among the Board of Trustees members. Brother Pablo Lachica presided. The Board approved a secret voting for election of President. Nominated and voted for President were:

  1. Brother Eusebio Tanicala ---------------4 votes
  2. Brother Pablo Lachica -------------------2 votes
  3. Brother John Quiniones, Sr. -------------2votes
  4. Brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. ----------1 vote

Brother Eusebio Tanicala won as PRESIDENT for the Board. He presides over the meeting. The Board approved the raising of hands for the rest of the Board offices. The following were elected to the different offices in a proper election procedure.

Executive Vice President ------------------Brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.

Vice President for Luzon ------------------Brother Pablo Lachica

Vice President for Visayas ----------------Brother Arnold Zambrano

Vice President for Mindanao -------------Brother Eliseo Tangunan

Secretary ----------------------------------- Sister Rebecca Braga

Treasurer ------------------------------------Brother Mardonio Bernardo

Auditor --------------------------------------Sister Rachel Cabuenas

Business Managers-----------------Brother John Quiniones, Sr. and Brother Edwin Valencia

Public Relations Officer ------------------Brother Rolando Dumawa

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca E. Braga

Noted by Eusebio A. Tanicala

May 27, 2005 Minutes of Meeting

PBCAA BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING, May 27, 2005, PBC Conference Room, 9:40pm


1. Eusebio Tanicala

2. Pablo Lachica

3. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.

4. Santiago Sameon II

5. Edwin Valencia

6. Eliseo Tangunan

7. Arnold Zambrano

8. Maronio Bernardo

9. Rachel Dumawa

10. Rebecca Braga

11. Rolando Dumawa-absent


  1. Brother Pablo Lachica suggested that Brother Rudy Mapile be retained as legal counsel. The Board will make a resolution creating the position. Unanimously approved by the Board.
  2. Selection of the Board of Advisers. The following brethren were all nominated and approved by the Board.

1. Edilberto Tenefrancia 6. Teofilo Alcayde

2. Felix Garlitos 7. John Quiniones, Sr.

3. Conrado Mapalo 8. Alejandro Ciencia, Sr.

4. Cristino Sacayanan 9. Daton Palitayan

5. Felix Bravo

  1. New Business

3.1. Brother Pablo Lachica informed the Board that PBC as a trade name was registered by Brother Felix Garlitos as the sole owner. There was deliberation about the matter. Brethren Edwin Valencia and Santiago Sameon II suggested that we will ask Brother Felix Garlitos about his intentions and reasons behind. It was approved to invite him in the first official business meeting of the Board with the Advisers.

3.2. Next Board meeting – June 30, 2005, PBC Conference Room.

a) Proposed agenda will be enumerated and e-mailed or mailed to the Officers. Host for food – Brother Pablo Lachica. Cook-Sister Rachel Cabuenas

b) Financial records of the past Treasurer, Sister Gavina Yen. Brother Mardonio Bernardo, being the current Treasurer with the Board President will write a letter to Sister Gavina Yen to get all records.

c) Signatories PBCAA Bank Account – Treasurer, President and/or Executive Vice President to sign all money transaction of the organization. Make a resolution to Equitable PCI Bank Session Road for the new signatories.

d) Write a follow-up letter to Baguio Church of Christ requesting for a PBCAA office. Brother Pablo Lachica promised to donate a computer for the Board of Trustees office.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca Braga

Noted by Eusebio Tanicala