Friday, May 27, 2005

May 27, 2005 BOT Special Meeting


May 27, PBC Conference Room, 6:30pm

Present :

  1. Eusebio Tanicala
  2. Arnold Zambrano
  3. Pablo Lachica
  4. Mardonio Bernardo
  5. Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.
  6. Rachel Cabuenas
  7. John Quiniones, Sr.
  8. Rebecca Braga
  9. Eliseo Tangunan


1. Rolando Dumawa
2. Edwin Valencia


Election of officers among the Board of Trustees members. Brother Pablo Lachica presided. The Board approved a secret voting for election of President. Nominated and voted for President were:

  1. Brother Eusebio Tanicala ---------------4 votes
  2. Brother Pablo Lachica -------------------2 votes
  3. Brother John Quiniones, Sr. -------------2votes
  4. Brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr. ----------1 vote

Brother Eusebio Tanicala won as PRESIDENT for the Board. He presides over the meeting. The Board approved the raising of hands for the rest of the Board offices. The following were elected to the different offices in a proper election procedure.

Executive Vice President ------------------Brother Bonifacio Patricio, Jr.

Vice President for Luzon ------------------Brother Pablo Lachica

Vice President for Visayas ----------------Brother Arnold Zambrano

Vice President for Mindanao -------------Brother Eliseo Tangunan

Secretary ----------------------------------- Sister Rebecca Braga

Treasurer ------------------------------------Brother Mardonio Bernardo

Auditor --------------------------------------Sister Rachel Cabuenas

Business Managers-----------------Brother John Quiniones, Sr. and Brother Edwin Valencia

Public Relations Officer ------------------Brother Rolando Dumawa

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. None follows.

Certified correct by Rebecca E. Braga

Noted by Eusebio A. Tanicala

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